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Introduction: in recanalization of chronic total occlusions (CTO), contralateral injection is the most important stage, significantly increasing chance of technical success and reducing the incidence of complications.

Materials and methods: 60-year old male patients, with angina pectoris, 3 functional class. After the examination, decision was made to conduct coronary angiography. According to coronarography, occlusion of proximal third of right coronary artery (RCA) was revealed, with collateral filling from the left coronary artery (LCA) R2 and the development of collaterals CC0. According to the scintigraphy data, a «viable myocardium» was detected behind the occlusion zone. Patient underwent mechanical recanalization of RCA with contralateral contrast-agent injection, balloon angioplasty, drug-eluting stents (DES) 3,5?38 mm and 3,5?24 mm were sequentially implanted with a good angiographic result.

Result: contralateral contrast-agent injection during this recanalization helped to avoid complications associated with perforation of lateral branches and greatly facilitated the positioning of guidewire into true lumen of artery. Patient continued military service under the contract.

Conclusion: in case of proper examination, management, and selection of patients, recanalization of chronic occlusion can significantly improve patient's quality of life. It is worth noting that for many patients, social indications are also important, such as the possibility to continue military service or work in a specialty. However, medical indications should be considered first, since unjustified recanalization of chronic occlusion will not improve patient's condition, and a number of serious complications may occur during the operation.



Introduction: dextrocardia - is a congenital heart disease, in which the heart is located in right half of chest. Incidence of ischemic heart disease in patients with dextrocardia is unknown, but some authors write that it is the same as in the general population. Guiding principles of endovascular treatment of chronic total occlusion (CTO) of coronary arteries, consider dualcatheter angiography to be an obligatory option for successful recanalization.

Aim: was to estimate possibilities of DRON-access and various radial accesses in treatment of multivessel disease in a patient with dextrocardia, severe comorbidity, and single vascular access.

Material and methods: we present case report of a 63-year-old female patient, who previously had ischemic stroke with tleft-sided hemiplegia; she was examined before surgery for instability of the prosthesis of right hip joint. Coronary angiography through traditional radial access revealed multivessel lesions of coronary arteries: chronic total occlusion (CTO) of right coronary artery, stenosis of the left anterior descending artery (LAD) in proximal and distal third; eccentric circumflex artery (Cx) stenosis. Further examination revealed: severe spastic paralysis of left hand, occlusion of left common femoral artery, chronic osteomyelitis of right leg with suppuration.

Medical consilium decided to perform staged endovascular revascularization of the myocardium.

For this purpose, to provide access for double-catheter recanalization of CTO and subsequent interventions, DRON-access (Distal radial and Radial One-handed accesses for interventions iN chronic occlusions of coronary arteries) and various radial accesses were used.

Results: at the first stage, using DRON-access, we performed double-catheter angiography and CTO recanalization of right coronary artery (RCA) with stenting. At the second stage, through traditional radial access, we performed angioplasty and stenting of LAD at two levels. After 3 months, control coronary angiography was performed through distal radial access: implanted stents had no signs of restenosis, there was no progression of atherosclerotic process. Patient was discharged to prepare for correction of instability of right hip joint prosthesis.

Conclusions: patients with severe and variable comorbidities require not only a multidisciplinary approach, but also, in various of clinical situations, need personalized approach. The use of DRON-access may allow operators to perform endovascular intervention using double-catheter angiography even in patients with single vascular access, which meets modern criteria for providing care for chronic coronary artery occlusions.




Purpose. To assess the effectiveness of palliative endovascular interventions in patients with CTO anatomy infavorable for recanalisation.

Material and methods. The authors analyzed the results of interventions in 60 patients (50 male (83,3%), 10 female (16,7%)) aged 38 – 75 years (mean age 53,9±3,2), with occlusive coronary disease. Palliative revascularizations were performed in 30 patients, and CTO recanalization was done in 30 cases. The LV function was assessed echocardiographically in both groups before and after the intervention.

Results. 12 month follow-up showed significant improvement or normalization of LV function in both groups. Results of palliative interventions were shown to be as effective as recanalization of CTO.

Conclusions. Endovascular palliation is effective in treatment of patients with coronary CTO. It results in myocardial function improvement comparable to that in patients with complete coronary revascularization.   



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Aim: was to determine indications for various methods of stenting on the base of conducted earlier interventions on bifurcation lesions after previously coronary artery occlusion.

Methods. In NRICP we studied a group of patients who underwent PCI for occluded arteries since 2009 to 2011. The study included patients with chronic total occlusion and bifurcation lesion with a diameter of side brunch more than 2 mm and stenosis >50%. Patients were divided into two groups (proximal and distal lesions) with respect of the proximal cap occlusion to the bifurcation. The primary end point was the emergence of MACE during the hospital period, including death, myocardial infarction, or repeat revascularization of the target vessel. Immediate angiographic success was considered in the case of blood flow TIMI II-III after stenting and residual stenosis of less than 50%.

Results. For the period of 2009-2011 PCI was performed. 307 patients were included in the study. The group of proximal lesions included 148 cases. The group of distal lesions consisted of 159 patients. Immediate angiographic success was observed in 98.3% of cases. Deaths, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, re-PCI, CABG during the hospital period were not noted.

Conclusion. Bifurcation lesions occure in 57,9% of cases after recanalization of chronic occlusions. In both groups one stent technique dominated, but in a group of proximal lesions two stents technique was used 5,8 times more often than in the distal lesions group. In both groups, MACE in hospital period were not noted.



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